Where to Find Transit Passes and Information

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Operated by Arlington County Commuter Services, The Commuter Store®, Mobile Commuter Store, and CommuterDirect.com® provide one-stop shopping for Metro, ART, VRE, MARC, MTA Commuter Bus, and STAR fares, and information about transit, bicycling, and walking.
The Commuter Store
The Commuter Store® offers face-to-face information, sales, and assistance at four locations in Arlington, Virginia and affiliated stores in Maryland and Fairfax County. Courteous staff will assist you in planning the best way to travel, whether by bus, rail, carpool, vanpool, bicycle or walking. Printed bus schedules and other free publications are available.
Mobile Commuter Store
At a Mobile Commuter Store you can purchase fares, pick up a schedule, or ask our knowledgeable and courteous staff to help you find the best way to get from point A to point B. The Mobile Commuter Store serves various locations in Arlington and regionally in Montgomery County, Alexandria, and Washington, DC locations. Printed bus schedules, maps and other free publications are available.
Phone: 703-228-RIDE (7433), TDD: 711. Mobile Commuter Store Arlington Schedule. Montgomery County Mobile Store schedule.
CommuterDirect.com® allows you to purchase transit tickets and passes online and have them delivered to your home or office. CommuterDirect.com account holders can set up renewable orders to automatically receive your tickets and passes needed for your commute. MARC, VRE, and MTA Commuter Bus riders can use SmartBenefits funds to purchase tickets through CommuterDirect.com.