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Bicycling for transportation is a healthy, fun, and environmentally-friendly way of getting around. The Washington, DC area has hundreds of miles of interconnected off-street trails and on-street bike routes. Bike trips are a small but growing percentage of all trips in the area, and the number of bikes in Metro station bike racks attest to cycling's importance as the first or last leg of multimodal trips.

Multi-Use Trails

The Washington, DC area has a great network of off-street trails which are shared by cyclists, walkers, joggers, and others. For a list of D.C.-area trails, see the Multi-Use Trails page.


Bike-sharing is public transportation using bicycles. Cities around the world have introduced bike-sharing systems as a transportation option for residents and visitors. See the Shared Mobility Devices page for more information about shared bicycles and scooters.

Bicycling, Bus, and Rail

In addition to being door-to-door transportation modes, bicycling and bike-sharing can fill the gap for people that live or work a mile, or a few miles, from a transit station or stop. Many area commuters bike from home to a Metro station, and rely on public transit to get them the rest of the way to work. Bike-sharing also provides an option for those who take transit to work, but need transportation for an errand or meeting while at work.

Bike on ART - Take your bike on the Arlington Transit - ART bus system.

Bicycles and the Metro System - Information from Metro about bike parking and taking your bike on Metrobus and Metrorail.

More Information

BikeArlington - Arlington County, Virginia's bicycling outreach program. Visit BikeArlington's website for everything you need to know about bicycling in Arlington.

Capital Bikeshare - Regional bike-sharing system in the Washington, DC area.

Be a PAL – Arlington's safety campaign encouraging drivers, walkers and bikers to share the streets by being a PAL - Predictable, Alert, Lawful.

Bicycling in Alexandria - Information from the City of Alexandria Shared Mobility Devices page - Shared Mobility Devices (SMDs) include pedal bicycles, electric bicycles, and electric scooters.

DDOT Bicycles and Pedestrians page - Information about biking and walking in DC from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).

Bike & Walk Fairfax - Information from Fairfax County, VA

goDCgo Bike page – Information about bicycling in Washington, DC

MCDOT Info for Walkers & Bikers - Information from the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT)

Prince George's County Biking/Walking Resources - Information from the Prince George's County, MD Department of Public Works & Transportation

Safe Routes to School – Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local, state, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school.

Street Smart – Street Smart is an annual public education, awareness and behavioral change campaign in the Washington, DC, suburban Maryland and northern Virginia area. The campaign has used radio, newspaper, and transit advertising, public awareness efforts, and added law enforcement to respond to the challenges of pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) - One of the oldest and largest bicycle advocacy groups in the United States. Check out WABA's site for bicycling news and events, commuter assistance, and more.

Washington Area Bike Forum - Bicycling discussion forum for the Washington, DC area, presented by BikeArlington, WABA, the City of Alexandria, and goDCgo.

WashCycle - Cycling advocacy in the nation's capital.