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This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).

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Strategic Framework Workshops Discussion Guide

This appendix provides the guiding questions for the SWOT analysis used in the internal and external stakeholder engagement sessions described in Section 3.2.



  • What do you think is working well when it comes to ACCS’s programs and services?

    What makes ACCS stand out compared to others who help commuters?

    How well does ACCS meet the different needs of commuters?

    What resources or partners make ACCS successful in helping commuters?

    What programs that ACCS offers do you think are most useful and effective?

    • Are there any strengths we haven’t discussed?


    • What do you feel has room for improvement when it comes to ACCS’s programs and services?

      What problems or complaints do people have about ACCS's programs?

      How good is ACCS at listening to what people say and making changes?

      Are there any programs that ACCS offers that could be more effective or useful?

    • Are there any weaknesses we haven’t discussed?


    • What do you see as the biggest opportunity for commuter assistance in the region?

      How can ACCS make its programs better for new ways people travel?

      Are there potentially new programs that ACCS could offer or focus on?

      Are there groups of people who aren't getting help and ACCS can reach out to them?

      Can technology be used to make the traveling experience better?

    • What external factors can help ACCS improve commuter/traveler assistance programs and attract new users?

      What kinds of opportunities are there for improving commuter service provision to meet the needs of current users and attract new ones?

      What messaging and information resonates most with customers and potential riders?

      How can existing internal communications be leveraged or what changes can be made to internal communications to improve in that area?

      What resources or tools—either existing or new—could ACCS leverage? Examples of resources or tools include, processes, software, relationship strategies, grants and funding, and partnerships.

      Thinking ahead to implementing the CAPSP, are there any other opportunities that ACCS can leverage to implement the strategic plan and for it to be successful?

    • Are there any opportunities we haven’t discussed?






    • What are the challenges with providing commuter assistance?

      What external threats could hurt ACCS’s programs and services?

      Are there concerns with funding, policy, local development, regional changes, etc. that could impact ACCS’s programs and services?

    • How do external factors impact ACCS’s ability to provide commuter/traveler programs and services?

      What external challenges does ACCS face, such as external economic or governmental forces?

      Are there any specific or emerging competitors or alternatives to using ACCS programs or services?

      Are there any political or board pressures that threaten to impact ACCS’s ability to meet its objectives?

    • Thinking ahead to implementing the CAPSP, are there any other threats that could hamper ACCS’s ability to implement the CAPSP or for it to be successful?

    • Are there any threats we haven’t discussed?



    • What do you think is working well when it comes to ACCS’s programs and services?

      What makes ACCS stand out compared to others who help commuters?

      How well does ACCS meet the different needs of commuters?

      What resources or partners make ACCS successful in helping commuters?

      What programs that ACCS offers do you think are most useful and effective?

    • Are there any strengths we haven’t discussed?


    • What do you feel has room for improvement when it comes to ACCS’s programs and services?

      What problems or complaints do people have about ACCS's programs?

      How good is ACCS at listening to what people say and making changes?

      Are there any programs that ACCS offers that could be more effective or useful?

    • Are there any weaknesses we haven’t discussed?


    • What do you see as the biggest opportunity for commuter assistance in the region?

      How can ACCS make its programs better for new ways people travel?

      Are there potentially new programs that ACCS could offer or focus on?

      Are there groups of people who aren't getting help and ACCS can reach out to them?

      Can technology be used to make the traveling experience better?

    • Are there any opportunities we haven’t discussed?






    • What are the challenges with providing commuter assistance?

      What external threats could hurt ACCS’s programs and services?

      Are there concerns with funding, policy, local development, regional changes, etc. that could impact ACCS’s programs and services?

    • Are there any threats we haven’t discussed?

    This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).

    Text-Only Table of Contents

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