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Chapter 5, Part 3, ACCS Strategic Plan

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).

Text-Only Table of Contents


Number of Staff


Percent Dedicated

Current Program

Primary Responsibilities


Micromobility Planner




MetroBike LLC




Shared Micromobility Devices

Plan, purchase, and install shared mobility device (SMD) corrals. Manage SMD operators. Conduct data and policy analysis. Coordinate permits. Manage SMD data platform. Respond to service requests.

Conduct regional coordination and outreach.

Project Manager of TDM Operations


The Convention Store



Oversee, monitor performance, and improve operations for Commuter Stores,

CIC, and Distribution Center.


Revenue Controller



The Convention Store





Reconcile daily paperwork, accounts payable, monthly reconciliation reports

from stores, and complete monthly billing and period summary reports.


Operations Manager




The Convention Store



Commuter Stores, Distribution Center

Oversee Distribution Center. Provide logistical support for ACCS, ART, STAR, other ACCS contractors and The Convention Store departments, and manage Arlington

Commuter Store staff.


Commuter Store Supervisor




The Convention Store




Commuter Stores

Oversee day-to-day operations at the Commuter Stores, including reporting requirements and identifying and resolving issues. Address escalated customer


Commuter Store Specialist


The Convention Store


Commuter Stores

Provide services including trip planning and

transit pass sales, both face-to-face and by telephone.


Distribution Specialist




The Convention Store





Distribute materials to Commuter Stores and Arlington Transportation Partners; stock brochures and other media; transport and ship inventory; maintain and clean

Commuter Stores.

Commuter Information Center (CIC)/ART Call Center Manager




The Convention Store





Oversee operations and sales. Reconcile sales reports and conduct operational reporting. Address escalated customer calls/issues. Track

credits/refunds and collections.



Number of Staff


Percent Dedicated

Current Program

Primary Responsibilities

CIC Supervisor


The Convention Store



Floor supervisor for the CIC.

CIC Corporate Specialist


The Convention Store



Process corporate account orders for fare media and balance SmartBenefits.

CIC Transit Benefit Administrator


The Convention Store



Oversee all employer-sponsored benefits

with and Commuter Store clients.

CIC Inventory Specialist


The Convention Store



Process daily inventory tracking and updates for the CIC.

CIC Commuter Specialist


The Convention Store



Correspond with customers by phone and email. Process fare media orders.

Positions currently unfunded


Number of Staff


Percent Dedicated

Current Program

Primary Responsibilities


Business Development Manager – Commercial and Hotel Services









Maintain and coordinate relationships with commercial and hotel properties regarding transportation program implementation.

Assist with implementation of Transportation Management Plan (TMP) requirements through training and engagement.


Capital Bikeshare Community Partners Coordinator









Promote Capital Bikeshare to Community Partners, including non-profit organizations, government agencies, and community groups. Manage the CaBi for All equity program. (This role is currently being performed by the Capital Bikeshare

Communications Coordinator.)

Mobility Lab Research Analyst





Additional support for Mobility Lab programs.

Active Transportation Marketing Manager (position defunded in FY25)








Active Transportation

Develop marketing campaigns and materials, maintain print and digital branding, update websites, and manage

social media regarding active transportation programs.


Overview of Operations

This section lists several overarching themes as to how ACCS will operate over the next six years.


Within ACCS, a series of contractors operate upwards of ten separate brands, all with different websites and staff. Given the target markets of the program go beyond just commute trips, ACCS might consider renaming itself within the county structure. More importantly, the many brands that comprise ACCS services—including Arlington Transportation Partners, Commuter Page, Commuter Direct, Car Free Diet, BikeArlington, WalkArlington, and Mobility Lab—might be consolidated and streamlined to make marketing and outreach easier to conduct and easier for the target audiences to consume.


Several of ACCS's programs utilize disparate customer relationship management (CRM) software and reporting tools. For example, Arlington Transportation Partners, ACCS's Business- to-Business outreach arm, and the TDM for Site Plans team, use different systems. ACCS might consider consolidating these systems to streamline outreach to ACCS partners, making things easier for both ACCS and the partners.


ACCS' many programs produce a myriad of data that can be used on an ongoing basis to evaluate and improve operations. ACCS might consider centralizing and formalizing program metrics and reporting. Centralizing data collection and reporting would allow each program to be able to reflect on its successes and build on them, while also informing when efforts should be redeployed elsewhere. Further, developing and tracking progress of annual work plans for all program components is critical to responsible stewardship of the programs.

ACCS might consider changes to its work planning approach. Currently only the ATP, TDM for Site Plans, BikeArlington/WalkArlington, Mobility Lab, and Capital Bikeshare programs have an annual work plan. ACCS will consider both streamlining that work plan and developing and integrating additional work plans for all ACCS programs.


ACCS's main funding source, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality grant funds, is determined several years in advance. As a result, recommendations for new, enhanced, or modified services would need to be funded by efficiencies or reductions in other programs or by applying for new grant funding.

Business-to-Business Outreach, Education, and Incentives


ACCS provides outreach services to a variety of business partners. The outreach services assist the partners as they work to help commuters and visitors travelling to the partners' locations using modes other than single-occupancy vehicles. This outreach is conducted by “Business Development Managers” whose job is to work directly with these partners to provide a variety of services. Currently, these efforts focus on employers and multifamily residential properties. While that will continue moving forward, ACCS might consider modifying the program offerings to work with commercial properties and hotels and with schools outside of their role as an employer. Additionally, ACCS might consider more direct coordination between the Business Development Managers and the Site Planning Specialists to provide client partners with one point of contact.

Changes to commute travel patterns and traffic volumes post-pandemic, a renewed focus by Arlington on equitable distribution of resources, and opportunities for ACCS to reach new audiences all contribute to a desire to both continue what has worked well in the past but also improve on the program's robust business-to-business outreach and education.


Continued Services

Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

  • Offer the Champions program for employers, residential buildings, commercial buildings, and hotels, working with these partners to help them add new offerings to increase their Champions tier.

  • Conduct marketing campaigns to attract new partners using a variety of materials.

  • Develop and update resource guides for partners.

  • Hold transportation coordinator, manager, and concierge trainings for residential, commercial, and hotels.

  • Offer employer, residential, and commercial partners customized “Quick Glance” reports with information about existing nearby transit facilities and other mobility tools that serve their locations.

  • Designate standard email addresses for business partners and other client partners (i.e., not the general public) to use to connect with ACCS's services. This will provide consistent contact methods not tied to a particular individual.

  • Develop and administer a program to provide micro-grant funding to partners to implement capital improvements to support non-SOV travel, e.g., bike racks, transit screens, and secure bike parking/storage.

  • Develop partnerships to reach people who are positioned to start new habits: new homeowners (realtors), business relocators (commercial realtors), and new hires (employer onboarding), etc.

  • Leverage high-performing partners (“Champions”) as program ambassadors to encourage stronger participation by others.

  • Evaluate marketing content, such as blogs, social media, and resource guides to maximize impact by creating content schedules for ACCS programs, setting intervals for updating materials, and streamlining social media channels to allow for consistent updates.

  • Streamline client outreach responsibilities between business-to- business outreach staff and TDM for Site Plans staff.



Continued Services

Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

  • Provide a variety of offerings to employers:

    Operate a partner program that allows employers to participate at different levels of offerings as part of the Champions program.

    Assist with transit benefits, including helping them to decide what program is right for them and assisting with the implementation process.

    Provide a survey employers can use to help them understand employees' commuting patterns, modes, and needs.

    Customize location-specific marketing materials for companies, including quick glance sheets, posters, and resource guides.

    Provide hard-copy collateral, such as transit maps.

    Hold events at company locations geared toward providing information to employees about commuting options.

    Assist with enrollment and renewal as a Capital Bikeshare corporate member.

    Provide information on vanpools and assist in finding riders for a company vanpool.

    Provide information on how to manage parking demand.

  • Assist businesses with applying for recognition as a Bicycle Friendly Business and/or a Best Workplace for Commuters.

  • Provide office relocation assistance, including making recommendations to address the commuting impact on employees.

  • Hold events for current and prospective employer partners to share best practices.

  • Provide parking management services.

  • Provide information on vanpool and carpool in outreach to employers with shift/off-peak workers. (Incentives are available through Vanpool Alliance and MWCOG.)

  • Assist with developing telework and flexible work policies.

  • Provide a variety of offerings to employers:

    Modify the marketing and explanations of employer-provided transit benefits beyond the pre-tax benefit and as a “must-have” employer- provided benefit.

    Evaluate and update customized materials to minimize use of paper.

    Expand information about corporate Capital Bikeshare memberships and provide monetary incentives to employers to support their participation.

  • Evaluate focus of employer partner program:

    Identify opportunities for improvement, e.g., leveling up to greater offerings to their employers, re-engaging lapsed partners, focusing on employers with greatest potential impact (i.e., larger and with in-person requirements).

    Increase employer outreach to more employers of low-wage, shift, and non-office workers.

    Explore opportunities to expand relationships with higher education institutions to assist students and employees traveling to campuses in Arlington.

    Leverage relationships that ACCS currently has with retail partners to establish them as employer partners.

  • Improve collaboration with Business Improvement Districts, chambers of commerce, and workforce development organizations to share up-to-date information about programs, incentives, and events.



Continued Services

Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

  • Work with all buildings subject to site plan requirements, encouraging them to participate in Champions program and host events and trainings.

  • Help commercial building owners leverage their commuting programs to help them get LEED certification (or a higher category of LEED certification, if they already have one) and/or other certifications/recognition/awards.

  • Identify a business development manager—as part of their existing role—to serve as a direct point of contact for commercial building outreach.



Continued Services

Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

  • Operate a partner program that allows employers to participate at different levels of offerings as part of the Champions program.

  • Provide a survey for the building staff to administer to help them understand residents' commuting and travel patterns, modes, and needs.

  • Customize location-specific marketing materials for residential building owners, including quick glance sheets, posters, and resource guides.

  • Provide hard-copy collateral, such as transit maps.

  • Hold events at residential buildings to provide information to residents about commuting and travel options.

  • Provide Capital Bikeshare discounted membership opportunities.

  • Further expand existing multifamily residential outreach beyond site plans to older multi-tenant buildings and affordable housing.

    Partner with Arlington's Department of Community Planning, Housing, and Development and Department of Human Services to identify older multi-tenant housing and affordable housing managers.



Continued Services

Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

  • Provide hotels with hard-copy collateral and information for staff to assist with local transportation options.

  • Operate a partner program that allows employers to participate at different levels of offerings as part of the Champions program.

  • Work with hotels to understand staffing models (i.e., whether the staff are direct vs. contracted employees) and adjust approach to hotels as employers if needed.

  • Work with hotels on reaching out to guests in advance of their trip, as well as with retailers and restaurants to promote non-SOV use on their websites.

  • Identify a business development manager (BDM) to serve as a direct point of contact for hotel outreach. This should be done as part of the BDM's existing role, not as a new position.

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).

Text-Only Table of Contents

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