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Chapter 5, Part 4, ACCS Strategic Plan

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 2.6 MB).

Text-Only Table of Contents


Continued Services

Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

  • School outreach is currently covered under employer outreach, where schools are treated as an employer.

  • Schools are also engaged through tracking implementation of and adherence to TDM site plan conditions.

  • In partnership and coordination with Arlington Public Schools (APS), implement a coordinated TDM for Schools program, beyond site plan conditions, aimed at staff and students.

    Promote student free bus ride program.

    Expand walking school bus and Bicibus (biking school bus) programs to additional schools.

    Provide on-bike cyclist and traveler education on all non-SOV options to middle and high school students.

    Support APS elementary school bike education programs.

    Offer guidance on establishing bike and walk “buses” to school.

  • Identify a business development manager to serve as a direct point of contact for schools' outreach. Consider repurposing an employer-focused manager for school outreach.


    ACCS uses HubSpot, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, to manage and keep track of correspondence and communication with its clients for the Arlington Transportation Partners program. Staff later convert information in these systems into the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) database for compliance with MWCOG requirements. This is a similar approach taken by other regional TDM programs, as the ACT database has limited functionality.

    ACCS uses a variety of software programs to develop information and materials for its partners, including Microsoft Office, InDesign, and Illustrator. Tools for communication include Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and MailChimp.

    Marketing, Promotion, and Incentives


    While the preceding section covers promotional activities targeted at employers, multifamily residential properties, and other business partners, this section covers promotion activities targeted directly at individual travelers. ACCS will continue to provide direct-to-consumer marketing, outreach, and education, as it has done in the past, throughout the initial year of the plan and five subsequent years.

    Many existing promotion efforts will continue; however, some are recommended to be supplemented or refocused to refresh and consolidate branding, prioritize equity, and include non-recurring trips. Additionally, marketing efforts should be reorganized across the programs to create more holistic marketing messages, hands-on learning experiences, and information to inform travelers of all their options.

    Continued Services

    Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

    • Offer bike safety, skills, and learn-to-ride classes (taught by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association) and lead neighborhood walks.

    • Provide online information and marketing about all travel options in Arlington and all the services that ACCS provides—inclusive of transit, biking, walking, and carpooling/vanpooling.

    • Provide a calculator showing the savings (money, calories, and CO2 emissions) of using a mode other than SOV travel.

    • Hold events (currently through Car Free Diet and BikeArlington) to promote using modes other than driving alone. Provide a limited selection of printed brochures for use at in-person events.

    • Use a variety of online marketing methods to promote non-SOV use, including social media, videos, and web ads.


    • Add more hands-on learning to the community outreach program, such as educational group bike rides (to provide instruction and confidence-building to encourage intermediate and recreational riders to use biking for transportation) and travel training/bus tours.

    • Consider rebranding ACCS and its programs to be inclusive of trips beyond commuting to work or school and to streamline messaging about trip types and the importance of air quality and congestion mitigation.

    Leverage professional branding consultant, including focus groups, to understand current brand awareness as an input to rebranding decisions.

    • Update and consolidate branding and online information and resources to provide more clarity, clear points of contact, and highlight the array of transportation options available.

    • Evaluate and update social media strategy to focus on specific audiences with diverse and dynamic messages and videos.

    • Review the distribution of hard copy brochures and limit distribution to locations where they might be better utilized. Focus on increasing the availability of downloadable materials/on-demand printing and QR codes; make modifications for broader use and distribution.

    • Offer new, dynamic, and changing marketing campaigns (outside Car Free Diet) to keep the message fresh and encourage mode shift. Incorporate marketing campaigns into annual workplan.

    • Evaluate and recraft current general-public marketing (Car Free Diet outreach) with revised messaging tailored to both recurring and non- recurring trips.

    • Leveraging the County's Title VI Program Language Access Plan, evaluate the need for translation of materials into additional languages.

    • Provide incentives for purchasing personal mobility devices, e.g., cargo bikes, e-bikes.

    • Use gamification and community challenges to encourage non-SOV use.

    • Work with Arlington's Department of Human Services and Arlington Transit and their low-fare pilot to determine ways to leverage the program and its participants, including collaborating with organizations that are part of the Community Partner Program.

    • Evaluate consolidation of the marketing function from ACCS's individual programs into one overarching marketing function.



    ACCS uses a variety of software programs to develop marketing materials, including Microsoft Office 365, InDesign, and Illustrator. ACCS's Car-Free Near Me web tool is hosted and managed by ACCS sub-contractor, Redmon Group, using software they developed and maintain. ACCS might consider focusing its trip planning resources on third-party trip tools such as the use of Moovit on ART's website.

    Commuter and Traveler Support


    ACCS provides direct support to commuters and other travelers through physical stores, a call center, and websites that offer information on how to commute and travel using non-SOV modes. These websites also provide a way for travelers to purchase fare media for a variety of transit providers throughout the region, including WMATA, VRE, MARC, MTA Commuter Bus, and STAR.

    These services will continue, but ACCS will consider how best to match these services with changing traveler needs and technologies.

    Current Services

    Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

    • Offer in-person travel assistance and sell fare media at physical Commuter Stores (both fixed locations and mobile stores).

    • Provide a Commuter Information Center (CIC) that responds to email inquiries and fare sales related calls.

    • Online sales of fare media (and redemption of transit benefits) for transit agencies throughout the region. The fare passes are sent to the individual purchaser.

    • Provide an online store and physical distribution center for hard-copy brochures of transportation information including transit schedules and maps.

    • Simplify CIC call center menu into fare sales, ART, and traveler information. Clarify branding for callers to be clear that it is a call center for ART (currently branded as Commuter Direct in the call-in menu). Commuter Direct may not be a brand that is familiar to everyone calling in.

    • Explore adding alternative format traveler information (e.g., providing Braille or audio formats) at The Commuter Stores.

    • Re-evaluate Commuter Information Center,, and Commuter Stores with respect to current and projected traveler needs and changing technologies.

    • Re-evaluate breadth of paper brochure distribution.


    ACCS operates four Commuter Stores and four Mobile Commuter Stores. There are point-of-sale systems in each of these stores, as well as customer point-of-sale machines to enable customers to load money onto their SmarTrip® cards and computers for consultative trip planning. For ACCS's online fare sales at, the site is hosted and managed by proprietary software created by Redmon Group.

    Innovation, Planning, Research, and Reporting


    This service encapsulates ACCS's efforts to evaluate and improve its offerings to travelers through data collection and research; understand how people are traveling to and within Arlington and the barriers to using non-SOV modes; serve as a thought leader on TDM and mobility technology; and provide a clearinghouse on regional transportation news. Most of this work is conducted through ACCS's Mobility Lab program. ACCS will continue to offer many of these services throughout the initial year of the plan and five subsequent years.

    In addition to research, this program within ACCS can serve as a centralized data collection and reporting function and lead research into alternative funding sources to ensure the program's long-term sustainability.

    Continued Services

    Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

    • Provide current transit and technology news through the CommuterPage eNews report.

    • Conduct research to keep abreast of best practice examples to inform ACCS's programs.

    • Conduct surveys to evaluate promotions and programs.

    • Evaluate Arlington-specific results for regional and local surveys, including State of the Commute, Household Travel Survey, and Arlington Resident Travel Survey.

    • Assist TDM for Site Plans with required transportation performance studies for site plan developments.

    • Conduct other research efforts as needed.

    • Re-evaluate the research program's goals and purpose, and therefore the studies it conducts, to ensure it meets the needs of ACCS and the County's Transportation Division.

    • Evaluate internal County staff collaboration and coordination and make recommendations (e.g., develop a better connection between TDM and Transit, for provision of transit information to customers).

    • Collaborate with other offices in the Department of Environmental Services to integrate efforts for reducing VMT and parking demand, as well as TDM, into corridor and transportation planning studies, especially on corridors designated as primary bike routes.

    • Work with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation to broaden the use and application of state-administered CMAQ funding.

    • Develop funding resiliency. Establish a task force to explore new federal funding opportunities for TDM, e.g., from Housing and Urban Development, Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, Department of Human Services, and Department of Labor.

    • Establish well-defined processes, roles, and responsibilities for pursuing non-CMAQ funding.

    • Partner with Arlington Economic Development (AED) and workforce development programs to leverage workforce funding to help get people to worksites and training programs.

    • Partner with AED and other tourism and entertainment partners for funding and leverage Commuter Store staff to provide visitor and tourist information.

    • Restructure and organize the performance data that ACCS collects, how it is collected, by whom it is collected, and how it will be cleaned, stored, reported, and tracked.

      ─ Include working sessions with other parts of Arlington's Department of Environmental Services to address potential data overlaps.

    • Collect and analyze performance data from across sources and visualize through internal and external dashboards that enable stakeholders to obtain information for their needs and allow ACCS to monitor progress and make adjustments more easily.

    • Develop a self-service data portal to allow users to search the program's public-facing data (such as data from ACCS-commissioned studies) or send requests for more specific information.

    • Provide regular, audience-tailored reporting on performance metrics to partners, County leadership, etc. and an annual graphical report for partners, public, and elected officials.

      ─ Consider separate reports targeted at employers, travelers, etc. to acknowledge their work and encourage future participation.

    • Review and potentially update how program impacts are calculated and communicated.

    • Review performance metrics regularly to proactively identify areas for improvement and change.

    • Establish targets for each metric to easily see if performance is on track.




    ACCS uses Microsoft Office to produce reports of various types and internal-facing organizational documents. It uses online survey platforms for its program evaluation surveys. Currently, performance data for the program is collected in Microsoft Excel. Moving forward, the program may use an integrated database for collecting data and a dashboard tool, such as Power BI or Tableau, for data visualization.

    TDM for Site Plans


    ACCS will continue coordinating TDM infrastructure and services for residents, workers, and visitors in large development projects to offset the transportation impacts of these developments. While continuing its current services of coordinating with and monitoring developers and their implementation of TDM commitments, ACCS should streamline and improve information sharing with business-to-business outreach staff, both between the two group and with clients, and streamline the TDM financial contributions process.

    Continued Services

    Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

    • Work with developers during the construction phase of site plans to ensure implementation of required TDM infrastructure and services.

    • Monitor developments' implementation of their TDM programs to ensure they meet their commitments on an annual basis.

    • Monitor the transportation performance of Site Plan buildings.

    • Work with the Department of Community Planning, Housing, and Development (CPHD) to regularly review and update TDM developer site plan requirements to keep them current, relevant, and implementable.

    • Streamline client outreach responsibilities between business-to-business outreach staff and TDM for Site Plans staff and improve information sharing between the two programs.

    • Streamline TDM financial contributions process between County finance staff and Site Plans.



    ACCS's TDM for Site Plans team uses the SalesForce CRM to track site plan information and its outreach with site plan developments. ACCS uses Microsoft Office to produce documents related to development requirements and monitoring TDM commitments. The TDM for Site Plans program also uses a project management tool from Asana to track its deliverables.

    ART, Capital Bikeshare Services, and Micromobility Services and Provide and Maintain Real-Time Transit Displays


    In addition to administering its own programming, ACCS will continue to support other related programs, including operating the Arlington Transit (ART) call center, producing informational and marketing materials for ART, overseeing Arlington County's contract with the Capital Bikeshare vendor, and other programs as outlined below.

    Continued Services

    Recommended New, Enhanced, and Modified Services

      • Arlington Transit

        Provide a call-center for customers to obtain information about and provide comments and complaints for ART.

        Design, update, and print ART schedules.

        Manage ART website and social media.

        Place and maintain all ART transit signage.

        Conduct marketing and outreach for new ART routes and route changes.

        Conduct marketing and outreach for iRide Student SmarTrip card.

      • Capital Bikeshare

        • Oversee County's contract with the Capital Bikeshare vendor.

          Assist with planning and management of the operation of Arlington's portion of Capital Bikeshare, including purchase, installation, resizing, and relocation of stations and overseeing maintenance needs.

          Regularly update Capital Bikeshare Transit Development Plan.

          Promote Capital Bikeshare for All and Community Partners Program.

          Shared Micromobility Devices permit program

          Review operator permit applications.

          Oversee deployment and work with operators on ordinance compliance.

          Provide and maintain real-time transit displays in buildings throughout the county.

    • Build connections between Arlington Transit, ACCS, and respective contractors to ensure that travel options are cross promoted through all organizational materials.

    • Investigate adding accessibility functions to real-time transit screens in County buildings.



    The ART call center, which is part of the Commuter Information Center (CIC), is operated using the Sangoma call management service. Documents related to the oversight of the Capital Bikeshare vendor are produced using Microsoft Office. Real-time transit displays are obtained through Actionfigure® and are managed and maintained (physical maintenance and backend functionality) by a subcontractor under one of ACCS's two main contracts.

    Market Segments and Customers

    As described in Chapter 4, ACCS has organized its target market into recurring and non- recurring trips. The customers within those markets include travelers within Arlington, travelers to and from places outside Arlington, and travelers of various demographics making trips during different times of day. For each of the six service areas, Table 17 indicates whether the service area is directly targeted at each market segment and/or customer using a (green checkmark) symbol. Market segments and customers not directly targeted by the service are left blank.

    Table 17: Service Areas' Relationship to Market Segments and Customers

    Service Area


    B2B *

    Mktg & Promo

    Traveler Support

    Research &


    Site Plans

    ART, Market Segment/Customer CaBi








    Recurring Trips



    Travelers with recurring trips to/from Large Generators/Attractors in Arlington



    - Commuters to large employers in Arlington



    - Low-wage workers at large employers in Arlington




    - Multifamily housing residents




    Travelers with recurring trips into or out of Arlington




    - Resident commuters to other NoVA jurisdictions




    - Resident commuters to DC, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County




    Travelers with recurring trips during second or third shift, or on weekends


    Non-Recurring Trips




    Arlington residents' individual trips within Arlington







    Arlington residents traveling to elsewhere in the region, and people from elsewhere in the region traveling to Arlington




    Multifamily housing residents in Arlington Equity Emphasis Areas

    M = Multiple Audiences

    E = Employer

    C = Commercial

    R = Residential

    H = Hotels

    S = Schools


    • B2B outreach is subdivided into the following audiences:

    • This subdivision is only provided in this table (and not Table 18) as the different partner types relate more to individual customer types than they do to Strategic Plan goals and objectives.

    This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 2.6 MB).

    Text-Only Table of Contents

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