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Chapter 5, Part 5, ACCS Strategic Plan

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).

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Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

Each service area supports various Strategic Plan goals and objectives, as shown in Table 18. Goals and objectives that each service helps progress are noted with a (green checkmark) symbol, while those without a direct impact are left blank.

Table 18: Service Areas' Relationship to Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

Service Area


Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives



Mktg & Promo

Trav. Supp.

Rsrch. & Report

Site Plan









Goal 1: Outreach/Education - Provide education, outreach, and encouragement about non-single occupancy vehicle travel modes to all audiences using a wide range of media and

messaging styles that results in travelers choosing a trip mode other than driving alone.







Objective 1A: Expand outreach, programs, and services to audiences and communities that have been historically

underserved or have not previously been the primary focus of ACCS's TDM efforts.






Objective 1B: Improve online presence and leverage access to virtual materials.






Objective 1C: Expand marketing messaging to reach broader audiences.







Goal 2: Changing Behavior - Increase the share of all Arlington trips taken by transit, walking, biking, and carpooling/vanpooling through actions that facilitate and encourage behavior change and reduce vehicular emissions



Objective 2A: Address factors that are preventing travelers from using transit, walking, biking, or carpooling/vanpooling.


Objective 2B: Equitably test and use incentives to impact mode shift among travelers for a variety of trip types.







Objective 2C: Leverage and assist partner organizations in communicating about new service offerings, improvements, changes, or regional efforts.







Goal 3: Organizational Health - Optimize the organizational and operational effectiveness of ACCS and identify and apply for additional funding sources to diversify ACCS's funding structure while leveraging partnerships to expand ACCS's reach.







Objective 3A: Reevaluate the breadth of ACCS's responsibilities and refocus its programming and resources to reflect the post- pandemic landscape.







Objective 3B: Evaluate ACCS's organizational structure and roles to maximize the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of current resources to best support ACCS programs.







Objective 3C: Explore more diversified funding from USDOT, VDOT, and others, with a particular focus on equity-oriented funding sources.







Goal 4: Reporting – Leverage data and performance metrics to evaluate the performance and impact of ACCS services and communicate program success to stakeholders and funding


Objective 4A: Streamline data collection and reporting to save time and improve accuracy and consistency.

Objective 4B: Use data to communicate and improve on performance metrics and program impacts.

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).

Text-Only Table of Contents

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