Chapter 8, ACCS Strategic Plan
This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 2.6 MB).
ACCS is committed to ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the TDMP. Since the completion of the FY2011 TDM Strategic Plan per Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation requirements, ACCS has used an annual strategic planning process to assess and refine areas of program expansion, existing activities, priorities, and its vision, mission, goals, and objectives. This process will continue, with a new focus on the annual priority strategies, in the next six-year period
ACCS’ TDM plan identified goals, objectives, and strategies that will guide programming in FY2018 and beyond. These items were developed to support cross-business unit collaboration, organizational synergies with County government, and to take advantage of current trends and areas of community interest. ACCS management will use the goals, objectives, and strategies to guide program decisions and to leverage activities across business units.
To monitor how each business unit is progressing with implementing activities that aid in ACCS reaching its goals, ACCS’ management team will meet quarterly to check-in on how current and planned programs and/or activities are performing.
This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 2.6 MB).