Chapter 3, ACCS Strategic Plan
This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).
Strategic Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives
This chapter introduces ACCS's updated vision, mission, goals, and objectives, which were developed through an internal and external stakeholder engagement process. The resulting strategic framework, outlined here, will guide the development of the CAP Strategic Plan and ACCS's work for FY2025–FY2029.
Stakeholder Engagement Process
The strategic framework was developed in coordination with ACCS staff, contractors, and external stakeholders. The study team conducted two workshops—one with ACCS staff and contractors, and one with external ACCS stakeholders—participating organizations for both are shown in Table 13. Both workshops included an exercise to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) for ACCS (the guiding questions for the SWOT exercises are included in the Appendix). Following the SWOT analysis, the groups identified major goals, each with a set of actionable objectives to achieve the goals. (See Chapter 7: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for how progress will be measured.) At the workshop with ACCS staff and contractors, a further exercise was conducted to define key words for the organization's updated vision and mission. Following the workshops, additional interviews were conducted with specific stakeholders who were unable to attend.
The vision, mission, goals, and objectives were then finalized using a feedback form sent to the participants of both workshops that provided them with options developed for each element of the strategic framework, based on the input received during the workshops. The study team used the feedback to refine and finalize the elements presented in this chapter.
Table 13: Strategic Framework Workshop and Follow Up Participants
Internal Workshop Organizations |
External Workshop Organizations |
* Follow-up interview
Vision and Mission
ACCS previously developed a vision and mission in 2017 as part of its TDM Plan for FY2018– FY2023. This Strategic Plan contains an updated vision and mission to be more inclusive of all people, including the targeted customers outlined in Chapter 4, and relevant to today's post- pandemic environment.
During the workshops the participants brainstormed ideas for what the new vision should contain, including concepts such as multi-modal connectivity, micromobility, sustainability, accessibility, safety, equity, inclusivity, and choices, among others. The discussion around the new vision statement also raised a lot of questions about what sustainability means, what independence looks like for people traveling within the County, and what the scope of the vision statement should be. Other discussion topics included affordability, leadership, resources, education, and connectivity. Ideas that garnered substantial support from the focus group were prioritized for the development of a comprehensive vision statement.
Following the focus group, the study team developed three draft vision statements which were delivered to participants to comment through a feedback form. Participants ranked draft vision statements and provided their reasoning for their ranking. Based on participant feedback, the study team developed the following vision statement.
ACCS Vision Statement
ACCS supports and champions Arlington as a place where people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds find it easy, desirable, and safe to choose transit, walking, biking/scootering, and carpooling/vanpooling for all types of trips.
During the workshops the participants brainstormed ideas for what the new mission should contain, including concepts such as accessible information, resources, behavior change through education, encouragement, convenience, and inclusivity for all users (residents, visitors, etc.). Participants engaged in a discussion that highlighted the need for inclusivity of users. Other discussion topics included the need for resources, the importance of safety, and the value of education in creating behavior change. Another major theme that emerged was the attainability of a new mission statement and the importance of keeping ACCS's mission specific and achievable.
Following the focus group, the study team developed four draft mission statements that were delivered to participants to comment through a feedback form. Participants ranked draft mission statements and provided reasoning for their ranking. Based on participant feedback, the study team developed the following mission statement.
ACCS Mission Statement
To educate and empower everyone who travels to, through, and within Arlington with timely and useful information about transit, walking, biking/scootering, and carpooling/vanpooling.
Utilizing the SWOT analysis conducted during the stakeholder workshops, the study team developed four draft goals, each with key objectives that add specificity to enable ACCS to achieve the goals. Progress toward the goals will be measured using a set of performance metrics, as outlined in Chapter 7: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. After sharing these with the stakeholder groups for review and comments through the aforementioned feedback form, ACCS finalized the following goals and objectives for use during FY 2025-2029. Any revisions to these goals and objectives will be reported in the annual plan updates to DRPT.
Goal 1: Outreach/Education. Provide education, outreach, and encouragement about non- single occupancy vehicle travel modes to all audiences using a wide range of media and messaging styles that results in travelers choosing a trip mode other than driving alone.
Objective 1A: Expand outreach, programs, and services to audiences and communities that have been historically underserved or have not previously been the primary focus of ACCS's TDM efforts.
Objective 1B: Improve online presence and leverage access to virtual materials.
Objective 1C: Expand marketing messaging to reach broader audiences.
Goal 2: Changing Behavior. Increase the share of all Arlington trips taken by transit, walking, biking, and carpooling/vanpooling through actions that facilitate and encourage behavior change and reduce vehicular emissions.
Objective 2A: Address factors that are preventing travelers from using transit, walking, biking, or carpooling/vanpooling.
Objective 2B: Equitably test and use incentives to impact mode shift among travelers for a variety of trip types.
Objective 2C: Leverage and assist partner organizations in communicating about new service offerings, improvements, changes, or regional efforts.
Goal 3: Organizational Health. Optimize the organizational and operational effectiveness of ACCS and identify and apply for additional funding sources to diversify ACCS's funding structure while leveraging partnerships to expand ACCS's reach.
Objective 3A: Reevaluate the breadth of ACCS's responsibilities and refocus its programming and resources to reflect the post-pandemic landscape.
Objective 3B: Evaluate ACCS's organizational structure and roles to maximize the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of current resources to best support ACCS programs.
Objective 3C: Explore more diversified funding from USDOT, VDOT, and others, with a particular focus on equity-oriented funding sources.
Goal 4: Reporting – Leverage data and performance metrics to evaluate the performance and impact of ACCS services and communicate program success to stakeholders and funding partners.
Objective 4A: Streamline data collection and reporting to save time and improve accuracy and consistency.
Objective 4B: Use data to communicate and improve on performance metrics and program impacts.
This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).