Chapter 7, Part 1, ACCS Strategic Plan
This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
This chapter presents performance measures for Arlington County’s Commuter Services program. The primary objective of monitoring ACCS’s programs is to illustrate their impact and alignment with this Strategic Plan’s four goals, identified in Chapter 3. ACCS, along with its transit partners and contractors, already gathers extensive data on the various TDM programs and services the County offers. The performance measures outlined in this chapter comprise a selection of established metrics and data already collected by ACCS and its partners, supplemented by new measures, to create a comprehensive monitoring tool for ACCS. These measures will be used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of ACCS programs over the life of this strategic plan. The chapter is divided into three sections: first it outlines the recommended performance measures, then it explains how these measures will be tracked and reported, and then it describes current measurements.
Performance Measures
This section provides an overview of the recommended performance measures. Table 27 lists each measure – each aligned to a goal of this Strategic Plan. Per DRPT requirements, ACCS must report on metrics marked with an asterisk (*) and highlighted in a darker teal colored row. Other details included in the table include:
Indicates which of ACCS’s six service areas the metric relates to.
─ Business-to-Business Outreach, Education, and Incentives
─ Marketing, Promotion, and Incentives
─ Commuter and Traveler Support
─ Innovation, Planning, Research, and Reporting
─ TDM for Site Plans
─ Support for ART and Capital Bikeshare
Metric: Identifies the name of the metric.
Metric Description: Provides a brief definition of the metric calculation.
Disaggregation: Explains how the results of the measure should be broken down for further detail. For example, total engagements at events can be disaggregated into engagements in English or Spanish.
Reporting Frequency: Indicates how often the metric is reported or updated on a dashboard. Metrics collected as a requirement by DRPT are marked with an asterisk.
Source: Specifies the current source of the performance metric, if already collected or reported by ACCS.
The goals into which the metrics are organized, as shown in Chapter 3, are:
Education and Outreach: Provide education, outreach, and encouragement about non-single occupancy vehicle travel modes to all audiences using a wide range of media and messaging styles that results in travelers choosing a trip mode other than driving alone.
Changing Behavior: Increase the share of all Arlington trips taken by transit, walking, biking, and carpooling/vanpooling through actions that facilitate and encourage behavior change and reduce vehicular emissions.
Organizational Health: Optimize the organizational and operational effectiveness of ACCS and identify and apply for additional funding sources to diversify ACCS’s funding structure while leveraging partnerships to expand ACCS’s reach.
Reporting: Leverage data and performance metrics to evaluate the performance and impact of ACCS services and communicate program success to stakeholders and funding partners.
Reporting and Using Performance Results
A crucial aspect of ACCS’s operational strategy moving forward involves aggregating all data into a single database and utilizing a reporting tool (dashboard) for enhanced communication and performance tracking. This will entail the establishment of an ongoing dashboard featuring automated monthly updates, incorporating targets outlined in the annual work plan.
While the performance metrics are organized by goal in Table 27, ACCS may choose to organize this reporting by program area for easier understanding and to quickly relay updates for ongoing performance improvement. ACCS will monitor and assess monthly metrics to gauge short-term success and promptly identify and implement improvements. Some of the monthly performance metrics will also be submitted to DRPT to meet grant reporting obligations.
In the context of developing this centralized reporting program, ACCS will evaluate past metrics and set minimum thresholds/targets that they will aim for to provide a guide as to current performance. ACCS understands that sometimes situations where the target is not being met can be remedied, and sometimes it is beyond their control. Metrics and targets can be regularly evaluated and modified as needed.
Additionally, ACCS hopes to develop an Annual Report summarizing performance metrics for the entire year, in addition to the existing annual Impact Report that calculates metrics such as reductions in vehicle miles traveled and associated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions based on the programs implemented by ACCS. Milestones for implementing coordinated data collection, the dashboard, and the Annual Report would be included to ensure timely progress and accountability. As with the monthly reporting, the annual numbers will be evaluated by program leadership to identify potential changes and improvements to maximize the impact and effectiveness of the program.
Table 27: Recommended Performance Measures
Goal 1: Education and Outreach |
Service Area |
Metric |
Metric Description |
Disaggregation |
Reporting Frequency |
Source |
Business-to- Business |
Sales engagements (geared toward specific organizations)* |
Number of engagements (sales calls, meetings, and tabling), including total and by program (employer, residential, commercial) |
Program, event type |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Sales engagement participation |
Number of participants/engagements at sales engagements geared toward a specific organization |
Program, event type, language |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Events (geared toward multiple organizations) |
Number of events (tabling, webinars, trainings) that are geared toward multiple organizations |
Total, by program (Employer, Multifamily Residential [MFR], commercial), by event type |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Event engagements |
Number of participants/engagements at events geared toward multiple organizations |
Program, event type, language |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Marketing, Promotion, and Incentives |
Community outreach events |
Number of events |
Event type, location |
Monthly |
NeoNiche database |
Residents assisted at community outreach events |
Total number of residents participating/assisted at Street Teams/Community outreach events |
Event type, location |
Monthly |
NeoNiche database |
Website use |
Number of website visits, total and by high level page |
Hits, unique visitors |
Monthly |
Website Host Data Analytics |
Downloads |
Downloads of research reports, guides, and collateral |
By report and collateral item |
Monthly |
New (Website Host Data Analytics) |
Brochures distributed |
Number of different types of brochures distributed |
By unique item and by distribution location (event, by mail, etc.) |
Monthly |
The Convention Store database |
* Per DRPT requirements, ACCS must report on metrics marked with an asterisk (*) and highlighted in a darker teal colored row.
Goal 2: Changing Behavior |
Service Area |
Metric |
Metric Description |
Disaggregation |
Reporting Frequency |
Source |
Business-to-Business |
Transit benefits* |
Employer partners (including hotels and schools) offering transit benefits |
Total, new, direct, pre-tax |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Commuter and Traveler Support |
Vanpool benefits* |
Employer partners (including hotels and schools) offering vanpool benefits (same number as offer transit benefits) |
Total, new, direct, pre-tax |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Ridematches attempted* |
Number of people assisted with finding a carpool or vanpool partner. |
By county/city of origin |
Monthly |
MWCOG database |
Hybrid/telework schedule* |
Number of employer partners offering hybrid or complete telework. |
Number of companies with formal policies, informal policies, or both |
Monthly |
DS&MG CRM System |
Marketing, Promotion, and Incentives |
Campaigns and participation |
Number of campaigns, number of pledges, and participation for campaigns |
By campaign, by language (if applicable) |
Monthly |
New (CRM System) |
Newsletter distribution |
Number of newsletters distributed (for employers, schools, hotels, multifamily residential, and commercial properties separately) |
Subscribers, open rate, click through rate by newsletter type |
Monthly |
Newsletter Program Data Analytics |
Innovation, Planning, Research, and Reporting |
Partner employees |
Number of employees at partner employers |
Total, by level, new vs. preexisting |
Annual |
DS&MG CRM System |
Support for ART and Capital Bikeshare |
Employer partners with corporate CaBi accounts |
Employer partners with corporate Capital Bikeshare accounts |
Total, by level, new vs. Preexisting |
Annual |
New (from Capital Bikeshare and CRM) |
Number of CaBi members through corporate CaBi accounts |
Capital Bikeshare members through employer partner Capital Bikeshare accounts |
Total, new vs. preexisting |
Annual |
New (from Capital Bikeshare) |
Business-to- Business |
Residential property partner units |
Number of residential units in the multifamily residential program |
Total, by level, by MFR type |
Annual |
ACCS Impact Reports CRM System |
Commercial property partners on-site employees |
Number of employees in commercial building client partner buildings |
Total, by level |
Annual |
DS&MG CRM System |
This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 3.85 MB).