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Metrobus Route Maps and Schedules

COVID-19 and Transit Service

Online Schedules provides online schedules for Metrobus routes in Northern Virginia, and for local bus systems serving Northern Virginia. Point-To-Point Schedules allow you to create a custom, printable bus schedule between timepoints (bus stops included in published timetables). You can combine multiple bus systems that serve the same timepoints into one schedule, and restrict your custom schedule to the time frame you're interested in.

Metro has a Bus Schedules tool to create customized online bus schedules for all Metrobus routes.

Schedules for Mobile Devices

Schedules for Metrobus and local bus routes in Northern Virginia, delivered to your smartphone. Other tools include news, transit system service alerts, ART RealTime arrival information, and more. Mobile Services.

Metrobus Service Maps

Where do all of the Metrobus routes go? These maps will show you. WMATA's website offers an online map that displays Metrobus route lines and stops. Scroll down for links to PDF maps showing Metrobus routes by jurisdiction — D.C., Montgomery County, Prince George's County, and Virginia.  WMATA's Metro Service Maps page.

Individual Route Maps and Schedules (PDF)

Metro provides individual routes maps and schedules for all Metrobus routes in Portable Document Format (PDF), on their Bus Timetables page.

Printed Brochures

Printed brochures for individual routes, including a route map and schedule, are available at The Commuter Store and Mobile Commuter Store and at other transit stores in the D.C. area. Brochures can also be found at Metrorail stations, for Metrobus routes serving each station. Order single copies of Metrobus brochures, and other publications, online from the Transit Brochures by Mail service. Arlington employers, residential complexes, and hotel properties that wish to distribute printed transit brochures can order them in bulk from Arlington Transportation Partners Brochure Services.

Metro's Trip Planner

Use Metro's online trip planner for point-to-point instructions for getting around using Metrobus, Metrorail, and local bus systems.

Google Maps

Google Maps features transit trip planning, in addition to planning trips by car, bike, or on foot. Google's transit trip planner includes schedule and stop information for Metrorail, Metrobus and local bus systems in the D.C. area.

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