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Taxicabs, Uber, Lyft

Taxicabs and Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), like Uber and Lyft, are important supplemental and backup options for people who carpool, bike, walk, or use public transportation.

Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)

Uber and Lyft are examples of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) that use smart phone apps to connect passengers with drivers of personal, non-commercial vehicles.

Taxicab Companies

Listed below are taxicab companies in Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland, as well as companies that specialize in airport service.

Taxicab & TNC Resources

Curb taxi app works in 65 cities.

RideGuru calculates estimated taxicab fare and compares estimates for taxicab and TNC companies such as Uber and Lyft. is a free service for calculating duration, distance, and estimated fares for taxi rides.

TDD Relay Services

Phone numbers for taxicab companies are listed below. TDD numbers for deaf and hard of hearing customers are listed for the companies that have them. To call other numbers, free TDD service is available through these relay services:

  • In Virginia: TDD service is available through Virginia Relay. Dial 711 to initiate a Virginia Relay call.
  • In Washington, DC: TDD service is available through the D.C. Government. Dial 711 to initiate a TDD relay call.
  • In Maryland: Several types of relay services are available through Maryland Relay. Dial 711 to initiate a TDD Relay call.

For information about paratransit and accessible taxicabs for seniors and persons with disabilities, see the Paratransit page.

Taxicab Companies in Virginia

Arlington County

  • Arlington Yellow Cab
    24 Hour Dispatch: (703) 522-2222
    Wheelchair accessible cabs available with 3 hour advance request.
  • Arlington Blue Top Cab
    24 Hour Dispatch: (703) 243-TAXI (8294)
    Wheelchair accessible taxicabs available by advance request.

Senior/Disabled Discounted Tickets: Senior citizens and disabled customers of Arlington Red Top, Blue Top, and Yellow Cab can save 10% on their fare when they purchase special ticket books from The Commuter Store or online from

Super Senior Taxi Booklet: Arlington County residents age 70 or older can save 50% on their taxi fare by purchasing ticket booklets that can be used on Arlington Red Top, Blue Top or Yellow Cab. Tickets are available from The Commuter Store or online from

Complaints about an Arlington County taxicab company should be directed to the Arlington County Hack Inspector at 703-228-4255. 

Please visit Arlington County's Taxicab Regulation page for additional information on taxicab service and regulation in Arlington County, Virginia.


Fairfax County

Questions or complaints about a Fairfax County cab company should be directed to the Fairfax County Department of Cable and Consumer Services, Regulation and Licensing Branch, 703-324-5932, TDD: 711.

Falls Church

Taxicab Companies in Washington, DC

There are many taxicab companies registered with the D.C. Department of For-Hire Vehicles. The D.C. Department of For-Hire Vehicles page is here. Search D.C.'s database or view a list of companies or drivers here. Complaints about a DC cab company should be directed to the Department of For-Hire Vehicles.

Bicycle Taxi Service

DC Pedicab is a unique, pedal-powered taxi service, providing open-air rides through the city.

Taxicab Companies in Maryland

Montgomery County

Taxicabs in Montgomery County are regulated by the Department of Public Works and Transportation and operate under established standards 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Montgomery County issues licenses for wheelchair accessible vehicles that meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. There is no additional charge for an accessible taxicab. Accessible taxicabs should be requested in advance.

Questions or complaints about a Montgomery County cab company can be submitted online to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.

Prince Georges County

Taxi service is available throughout Prince George's County and is provided by several licensed operators. All licensed cabs operate on a meter system. The central dispatching service in Prince George's County is Taxi Taxi, 301-577-2000.

Airport Service

In addition to normal taxicab service provided by the companies listed above, these specialized transportation services serve the Washington, D.C. area's airports:

For more about transportation options to and from the the airports, see the Metro Connections page and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Web site.

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