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Walking is healthy and environmentally-friendly way of getting around, and is an important transportation mode in the Washington, DC area. A 2011 study in Arlington found that half of the respondents reported that walking was part of their commute to work. 15% said that walking was their primary mode of transportation to work. More than 80% of respondents said they make a trip entirely by walking (for any reason - not necessarily commuting) at least a couple of times a week.

Shared-Use Trails

The Washington, DC area has a great network of off-street trails, which are shared by cyclists, walkers, joggers, and others. For more information and tips on sharing the trails, see the Multi-Use Trails page.

More Information

WalkArlington - Arlington, Virginia's outreach program to encourage walking. Visit for information about health and safety, multiuse trails, walking to school, and more.

City of Alexandria Bike & Walk page

goDCgo Walking page – Information about walking in Washington, DC

DDOT Bicycles and Pedestrians page - Information about biking and walking in DC from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).

Bike & Walk Fairfax – Fairfax County Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs aim to enhance the quality of life of our residents through enhanced safety and access on the roads for all; increased awareness of the benefits of these modes of transportation for leisure and commuting; and improved connectivity through infrastructure improvements that accommodate biking and walking within Fairfax County.

Street Smart – Street Smart is an annual public education, awareness and behavioral change campaign in the Washington, DC, suburban Maryland and northern Virginia area. The campaign has used radio, newspaper, and transit advertising, public awareness efforts, and added law enforcement to respond to the challenges of pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

Be a PAL – Arlington's safety campaign encouraging drivers, walkers and bikers to share the streets by being a PAL - Predictable, Alert, Lawful.

America Walks – Making America a great place to walk

Everybody WALK – The campaign to get America walking

Safe Routes to School – Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local, state, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school.

Walk Score rates neighborhoods based on the ease of walking to shops, restaurants and other public places. The site measures the walkability of cities and neighborhoods around the U.S.