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Chapter 3, ACCS Strategic Plan

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 2.6 MB).

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The ACCS TDM Strategic Plan is a document prepared annually to allow ACCS to adjust its direction, respond to changing needs in the Arlington community, and to identify new opportunities to improve accessibility and mobility. This TDM Strategic Plan sets the stage for Transportation Demand Management in Arlington County for the next six years, from Fiscal Year 2018 through Fiscal Year 2023. This section addresses ACCS' overall vision, mission, goals, and objectives. This chapter also lists strategies necessary to reach each objective. These strategies, each of which is considered an expansion program, are addressed in greater detail in Chapter 5 of this plan.

During the development of the FY2016 strategic plan, ACCS managers and staff met to revise the vision and mission and refine goals and objectives. A revision of all of these guiding principles was needed to reflect the growth of the organization, particularly the new services and programs and the business practice changes that have resulted from new technologies and trends in the transportation industry.

ACCS’ prior vision and mission dated back to the early years of the organization, and the first set of goals and objectives were developed as a part of the strategic plan for FY2010.  The goals and objectives developed in FY2010 were based on Arlington’s Master Transportation Plan (MTP). The goals stated in this plan continue to be in line with the (MTP) goals, and particularly those of moving more people without more traffic; advancing equity, safety, and environmental sustainability; managing efficiently and effectively; and providing high-quality transportation services.


Vision: A place where it is easy and desirable for everyone to choose to get around by transit, walking, biking, and sharing the ride.

Mission: To provide Arlington residents, employees, businesses, and visitors with transportation information and services to support a vibrant and livable community.


ACCS’ goals and objectives flow directly from the organization’s vision and mission. Clear and current goals and objectives help support the performance monitoring, as each objective is written as a specific, measurable statement that allows ACCS to track its progress toward meeting its related goal. Goals and objectives are outlined below in Table 7.

Table 7: ACCS Goals and Objectives

Goals Objectives
1. Make it easy for Arlington residents, employees, businesses, and visitors to travel without driving alone.

1.1 Provide high quality customer service.

1.2 Ensure that information and services are accessible to all Arlington residents.

1.3 Produce innovative transportation information and services that make Arlington a leader in Transportation Demand Management (TDM) services.

2. Create a community culture where individuals embrace getting around by transit, biking, walking, and sharing the ride as a way of life.

2.1 Increase the non-SOV mode share for all types of trips.

2.2 Increase the public’s knowledge of and comfort with the use of all transportation options.

2.3 Increase awareness and support of TDM benefits by government agencies, elected officials and community leaders.

3. Collaborate on a wide variety of public initiatives to leverage the influence of TDM services.

3.1 Promote understanding of the economic, environmental, and human health benefits of TDM to Arlington’s stakeholders.

3.2 Ensure that TDM is incorporated into relevant programs and projects across Arlington County government.

3.3 Increase collaboration with regional partners.

4. Foster an organizational culture that engenders passion, creativity, and accountability.

4.1 Provide cross-cutting programs that leverage collaboration across the organization.

4.2 Maintain high employee satisfaction.

4.3 Operate financially responsible and efficient programs using diverse funding sources.

This text-only version is offered as a more accessible alternative to this PDF document: Arlington County Commuter Services Transportation Demand Management Plan (PDF, 2.6 MB).

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